Originally uploaded by Pearliepie.
Last year my resolution was to live out loud. I don't know if I really accomplished that or not. So it's my resolution again this year.
I've been thinking a lot about this blog and what exactly I want to do with it. I always feel like there is a better way to say what I want to say. I've started a million entries and then deleted them because they didn't seem like "enough". Not personal enough, not interesting enough, not good enough.
But that's not living loud. That's staying in my hermit comfort zone and letting the world pass by.
I uploaded a bunch of photos into my flickr, and over the next few weeks I'm going to write about old projects I've finished and show a bunch of the UFO's floating around the house.
I may write about them, I may not, but I do want to show them off.
So step one to living loud- Stop being so shy and start sharing things with the world.