Thursday, December 21, 2006


Woo woo!Here's the view from my bedroom window. This looks like nothing, right? There are places where you can still see the grass and then drifts that are taller than I am!

Today is actually day two of the snow day. Yesterday I was SO grumpy when I got up and got ready for work. I was mean to everyone. When I left the house it was snowing a little and really windy, but I didn't think it would really be a blizzard. I had gotten all the way to the highway before I heard that my school district was closed on the radio. To be honest, I didn't believe it when I heard it. My district almost NEVER closes. So I just pulled over to think about what to do. A few minutes later the secretary from one of my schools called me to make sure I wasn't driving to work. So I turned around- it's a good thing I did, because it had taken me 20 min. to drive from my house to the highway, but it took me 40 to get back to the house!

Around 11:30 Whit called us from school and asked if Rocket Boy and I could come pick her up. Instead of taking the truck we took the car which was a bad plan. There were places where the snow drifts were taller than the car's clearance. We spun out pretty badly on the way over to the school, and we didn't dare stop anywhere for fear that we couldn't get going again. The ride back was pretty uneventful, except that there were high school students who had tried to drive home in the ditches everywhere. We all felt awful about not being able to stop and help them, but since we took the car there was nothing we could have done anyway. Highway patrol is really good about rescuing people out here though, so I'm sure they all got home safely.

I am so lucky to be one of the people who made it home before the storm really hit- some people on the highway had to sleep in their cars all night! I'm praying that everyone is okay.

Rocket Boy and Poppa J discussing the best way to try to clear the driveway.

See? Huge drift right next to nothing on the ground! Crazy. Also, I'm noticing that we look like we have a ton of crap parked in the yard, which is true, but most of it isn't ours. The tanks are water and propane, but I have no idea what's leaned on the table there. The boat, truck, and camper are all Poppa J's- I don't think any of them run right (I KNOW that the truck doesn't, but that's Rocket Boy's fault for driving it and gassing it with the wrong gas when he was 16. Don't tell him I told you!) Good lord, we really are country folk now. At least nothing is in the front yard up on blocks.
Rocket Boy churning up snow and mud at the edge of the drive.
We left a trailer piled full of uncut firewood on the driveway. Under the trailer there is almost no snow at all. I think some bunnies took shelter under there for a little while last night.
I love the edge of this drift. Doesn't the wind do cool things?

This is the view from my studio window. It's like a tunnel!
Alright ya'll- I STILL haven't wrapped any giftmas presents, or finished sewing my sister's present, so I have to get off the internets and get to work!


jackierocket2 said...

Just wanted to say hi and I'm sorry I didn't get to see you when I was in Denver. I love your blog.

Pearlie said...

Don't worry about the vist- it just means you'll have to come through again!