Saturday, August 19, 2006

Someday these will all be swapped

I made these pendants out of porcelain and fired them using various techniques- some are regular gazes fired to cone 10 and the shiny ones are raku fired. The plan is to use them for jewelry for swaps, but some of them I like to much to send away.


Anonymous said...

Is it tacky to say that I hope I'm on the receiving end of one of those swaps?

knittykat said...

Those are so pretty! I can't say which I like most! They're all so different!

Pearlie said...

Ha! Lucimama, you have no idea. Let's just say that not every pendant I've made is in this picture.

Anonymous said...


Oh, goodie! You know I love surprises!

Anonymous said...

hi pearl~! just found your blog. it's sweet, not sure why you want to keep it secret! but i can honor that. looking forward to seeing you at grandpa reds. love your crafty stuff, must run in your family, especially on the girls side. owen is excited to see everyone! me too! write me if you like at: love your list of anti-corporations! heres a few i love, jesuses general, think progress, americablog, washington note, firedoglake, and a few others! enjoy the work week! and see ya saturday or sunday? love, shar mt hood, oregon!!